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I owe so much to so many amazing people,  that I cannot express my gratitude enough.


The care and dedication of my many great coaches:
-- Current: Tiffani and Alex, from GAGE, Blue Springs, Mo

-- Previous: Eddie and Jenya, Josh, Molly, Pedro, Yolanda, Nikki, Cristian, Lulu, Alexandra, Vasyl, Szilvi, Olga, Taya.


The inspiration from incredible gymnasts (Hezly Rivera, Madray Johnson, Paloma Spiridinova, Claire Pearse, Ashlee Sullivan, Gabby Douglas, Connor McClain, Nastia Liukin, Jessica and Jennifer Gadirova, Ondine Achampong, Alice Kinsella, Beckie Downey, Ioana Stanciulesku, Antonia Dutta, Larisa Iordache, and many others) --  They show me the path to greatness.


My current and former gym mates -- They make me to look forward to going to the gym every day.


The unwavering support of my mom and dad -- They always go the extra mile, no matter what.


My little brother, Adrian -- He has waited for me countless times, always excited to be with me.


My grandparents (Jenaro, Manoli, and Fidencio), my uncle (Javi), my auntie (Sabas), and my cousin (Unai) -- They always make me feel special.


There's no such thing as self-made success;
Just people lucky enough to have great SUPPORTERS on their journey.

thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

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